Happy Wars Wiki
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Gloomy map that allows attacks from all around!





Twilight is probably the most challenging map because players can fall off side paths and become poisonedin pink liquid.The warriors especially have some advandges. The ability to smash, makes players topple over off the paths and possibly die.Mages are also annoying with their fireball attacks it makes it hard to clear a path.


Twilight was released on October 12 2012, alongside the release of Happy Wars.


Flank Route: Walk up the staircase (but stick to one side) and then enter the pink swamp near the enemy's base. You will end up beside the enemy's castle. Be aware, even taking both pink swamp routes will force you to be near the center tower!

Alternate Flank Route: After capturing the closest tower to your castle, detour off to the right side and enter your team's Swamp, cross through (you can pass through the purple water but you'll slowly take damage as you do, try and stick to the platforms that rise and fall to avoid damage) and head through to the Lava area. Watch your step and keep your wits about you, a perceptive mage can still drop magic attacks from above! Pass through to the other side and enter the enemy's Swamp until you exit out the other side, just short of their first tower. At this point you can hug the left wall until you reach the enemy's Castle in just a few seconds.


  • Many players do not know about the flanking routes.