Happy Wars Wiki

The Happy Spinner and Happy Cards are both methods to obtain items.

Happy Spinner


The Happy Spinner in Happy Wars

The Happy Spinner is where you can use Happy Stars to win items. This is the only way to obtain items using Stars. The spinning wheel has 3 blank sectors. You can place a bet on an item category (weapon/shield/armor/helmet/accessory) to fill up 1 blank sector. If the wheel stops on a blank sector, you don't win anything. Each bet sector costs 300 stars. Max is 900 stars.

Once you've placed your bet, you spin the wheel. Wherever the spinner stops is what prize you win (but the chances of you winning something that isn't of little value is very low). You can mix up what type of items you want to try to win (you can bet all sectors Weapons or Weapons/Armor). There are spots that are already pre-loaded so there is also a chance that you may get an item that you did not bet on. The multicolored spot gives you a prize from a random item from ONE of the categories. Also, each item can be 10 different levels (if you land on one of the spots that are already on there you have a higher chance of getting a better item), the least rare being level 1, and the most rare being level 10. There is also a chance of getting premium items too, but they are extremely rare!

Happy Cards

Happy Cards

Happy Cards

Happy Card Packs are purchased for 18 Happy Tickets. Each pack contain 2 common items and 1 premium item. There are card packs for each category of item (weapon/shield/armor/helmet/accessory). At the bottom right side of the screen is a set of colourless stars that as you open will become yellow, if all of then become yellow then you will activate happy time. Happy time gives you a guarenteed chance to get a super premium item! You may get super premium items for opening a Happy Card pack before happy time, but the chance is really low. Your chances of getting a super premium without happy time seem to drastically increase with a sticker. ==

Classes & their Equipment
Warrior (Berserker)Cleric (Engineer)Mage (Zephyr)
Warrior Equipment Warrior WeaponsShieldsWarrior ArmorWarrior Helmets
Cleric Equipment Cleric WeaponsShieldsCleric ArmorCleric Helmets
Mage Equipment Mage WeaponsMage ArmorMage Helmets
Other Accessory List
BuffsItem BoxItem Level-UpItem EvolutionItem ShopSpinner & Cards


Some believe that betting 300 happy stars on the spinner and then spinning is the best way to get better items from it, as landing on the pre-sectioned parts of the spinner have a higher chance of giving a better item than a betting section.
